May 23Liked by Amy Blackstone

Thank you, Amy. I truly haven't felt so seen in years. Along with all of the baggage of being chronially ill, I have also recently discovered my new, even shorter patience with the general public. I feel personally attacked when people seem completely nonchalant about personal space. It's as if they have completey forgotten the millions that lost their lives to covid. So while part of me feels like I should be jumping back into the world, another part is listening to my lack of patience, my fight or flight. There is a real reason I am so nervous and short tempered with folks out there, and I cannot understand how they have all forgotten so easily. Thank you again for being so vulnerable. You continiue to be a beautiful role model <3

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Thank you so much for sharing this, Opal. I am right there with you re: folks who have forgotten or seem to think this whole thing is completely over. And it is exhausting feeling like you have to remind them. Some days, it's a relief to be stuck in bed! (Maybe for 2 seconds then I'm pissed or sad about it again.) Thinking of you and sending strength. ♥️

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